
The Unique Feng Shui of a New Home

By Kathryn Weber Moving into a new house, whether it is truly new or just new to you, is exciting. You begin making plans for your life and see it unfolding in the rooms of your new house. But the feng shui of new houses is different than houses where someone has lived a long time. There are situations about the house that you’ll need to think about before you move in. Check the tips below for ideas on what you need to know about new house chi and feng shui. Get a feng shui consultation before buying and moving in. Many times people set up a consultation after moving into a new house. The ideal time to get a consultation is before moving or buying the house. This way, the consultant can advise you on potential problems. But, if you didn’t or couldn’t get a feng shui consultation, having one after you move in is still a good idea. Clear the house before moving in. Houses hold on to energies, memories and the vibrations of all those who lived in them. This makes a house clear...

Feng Shui for 2016 the Year of the Monkey

Feng Shui for 2016 the Year of the Monkey In 2016, The Year of the Monkey holds some big changes and wonderful opportunities. Women will really enjoy the Monkey year! Like all years, though, it also has its challenges. But if you're prepared and put your remedies and enhancements in place, you’ll do just fine. If you really make an effort, this could be the year you take BIG STEPS. That’s because women have some terrific energy that can help them set a plan in place that could pay off for years! Areas of Concern Security and Safety First. This year it’s more important than ever to stay on the side of caution — and in every respect — and for everyone in your family. Make sure you are thorough with contracts, read the fine print, check your credit card statements for fraudulent charges and do background checks on questionable people (single girls are you listening?). Don’t take a smooth talker at his word or job promises without getting it in writing. Make sure to chec...

What to do when you can't focus or make a decision?

In feng shui, deferred maintenance on a house means deferred money. In other words, if you’ve put off replacing that cracked window or cutting down a dead tree, you’re likely not receiving all the money you could be if your home were in good repair. Why is repairing your home so important to feng shui? In a word: chi. The chi , or energy, of a home declines when it’s got leaking faucets or roof, when the paint is peeling or when it’s dirty and cluttered. Simply looking at a home that’s not in good repair gives a depressed or sad feeling. You see a house – and the occupants who live there – that are in decline. Millionaires live in beautiful, attractive and maintained surroundings. If you’ve deferred maintaining your house, you could be deferring wealth too. Rarely is the case that when a homeowner is successful, that the house is falling down. In fact, it’s most often the case that as a homeowner becomes more successful, the more a house represents that success with pretty pl...

Digestive complaints, constipation? Check your feng shui

One of the most wildly popular feng shui books is Karen Kingston’s “Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui.” And one of the topics she covers in the book – that few others have dared to touch – is the subject of the elimination system and its tie to your personal feng shui. While it’s not a pretty subject to talk about, Karen deftly connects clutter in the house with the symbol of our internal clutter we all deal with daily: our colon. She writes that your home is connected to every part of your body, and your colon is too. The idea is that by looking at both your home’s clutter and removal of what’s unnecessary, used up and needing to be purged, as well as the health of your colon, you’ll create greater health and well-being in all parts of your life. What’s interesting is that she contends by clearing up your colon, you can help rid yourself of emotional issues that may have been buried for years. Heal Your Body guru Louise Hay says that stomach problems are based on dread and f...

Chi Lin and Fu Dog Feng Shui Door Guardians Protect and Empower Your Front Door

Chi Lin and Fu Dog Feng Shui Door Guardians Protect and Empower Your Front Door The front door is the single most important area of your home. It determines the quality of the energy that enters your home – and that directly influences the quality of energy in important life areas, such as wealth, opportunity, health and relationship success. The entrance to your home is directly influenced by the way it looks. Realtors know this as “curb appeal.” When a house looks great at the entrance, it’s extremely inviting to potential buyers. But look at it another way. When a house has a great front door and curb appeal, it also is extremely inviting to chi and helps build and lift chi at your home. Once of the ways that the Chinese have used feng shui to influence their home’s energy, and by default, their feng shui is by creating attractive and strong entrances. This often includes having a pair of door guardians to protect and enhance their front doors. You can see these guardians in...

Feng Shui Wish Fulfilling Gems Make Your Wishes Come True

From the earliest fairytales of genies and fairy godmothers, we all have wishes that we would love to see magically happen. Luckily in feng shui there is a wonderful technique for activating the energies associated with all of the usual aspirations that everyone wants: love, wealth, health, happiness, good fortune. It involves using gems and crystals, and when used correctly, can almost magically bring about anything you desire. Gems and crystals are powerful symbols of our earthly desires and they are powerful activators. Gems are regarded as earth’s most beautiful and precious energy made manifest in clear, beautiful, sparkling stones. These stones are widely regarded as storehouses of this beautiful earth energy – and potent objects to ground your deepest desires and help them come to fruition. Don’t believe me? Think about one of the most common gem activators. It’s the engagement ring, a serious activator and symbol of love and commitment. The size, quality, and beauty of st...

Feng Shui Flowers and Their Meanings

One of the most powerful ways to improve your home and life is by adding landscaping, plants and flowers to your home. Beautiful plants and flowers lift the energy of your home, bringing beautiful healthy growing chi. Surrounding your home with vibrant plantings is also a good idea for real estate reasons. Realtors say that nice landscaping is one of the all-important components of curb appeal – and that can be good for your home if you’re trying to sell it. Even if you’re not in the market to sell your home, beautiful landscaping brings greater value to your home and makes living there more enjoyable. And the most auspicious part of plants? Flowers. They are are the yang expression of a plant. From a purely feng shui perspective, nice landscaping adds wonderful chi to your home. In your life that translates to good health, happier relationships, and added prosperity. Flowering blooms aren’t just lovely to look at, they can promote love and are regarded as symbols of good fortun...