How An Overstuffed Home Robs You of Vitality
Today, many of us share one common problem: too much stuff in our homes. And, if you're willing to invest just a couple of weeks - or weekends -- you can get a grip on clutter and start feeling more in control over all the stuff in your house. Better still, you won't have to live in a disorganized, cluttered home that frustrates and annoys you. Having an uncluttered, organized home will repay you in time and money -- and will return your peace of mind -- and in just a few short weeks. Besides being a serious re-charge to your life and vitality, decluttering is good feng shui. Everything you are surrounded by exerts an influence on your life. If you're surrounded by clutter and disorganization, it's a serious energetic drain on your mind, your emotions and your physical body. Too much stuff quickly turns a home "yin" and that makes energy turn negative. Once that happens, the circumstances of life start changing, too. You could say that clutter become