Year of the horse
Year of the horse By Kathryn Weber The Year of the Horse is galloping quickly toward the New Year and it'll be nice to see the Year of the Snake slithering away. You'll be glad to know that the feng shui forecast for 2014 has a bright outlook with lots of good news and opportunity ahead for the Year of the Horse. The horse is the seventh sign of the Chinese Zodiac, and represents high spirits, optimism, energy and beauty. The horse also represents capriciousness in love, falling out of love as quickly as he falls in. But there is no question that the horse sees himself as a good looking, magnetic animal that's clever and who should gather all the admiring glances. Last year was hard, so wave it goodbye. This year, 2014 has a lot to look forward to. In 2013, we had a variety of energies that were working against all of us. Some years, some houses catch a break and others catch the brunt of difficult energies. Not in 2013. This past year, the difficulty was spread around so e