Finding and Activating for Wealth and Happiness
There is no doubt that without love and happiness in our lives, there is no wealth. Only when we have good relationships and harmonious feelings with our friends, family, spouses and partners, do we feel our happiest. It’s this happiness in our relationships with others that creates contentedness with life, ability to move smoothly up the ladder of success — and often means that we are rewarded financially and emotionally for that harmony. To be sure, feng shui for relationships runs neck and neck with interest in feng shui for wealth. That’s probably because just like having no money feels terrible, having no love is isolating and feels awful too. One of the most beneficial ways to use the wealth of mountain star energies is to create wealth. By activating earth energies appropriately, you can create smooth relationships that foster networking, such as in business or in your career, or have others bring opportunities to you because of the regard and esteem they have for you. This mean