
Showing posts from May, 2015

How Collections Go from Interesting to Overwhelming

One of the frequent targets of feng shui is clutter, and rightly so. Clutter drains our life energies, saps on mental energy and drowns us in the possessions that we once took interest in to where they simply take over our homes, and our lives, in some instances. It doesn’t matter how a collection starts, but what begins as an interest or even a gift, can go quickly from interesting to overwhelming. The energy of the collection then begins to take on a life of its own. Think about people who have collections that you may have known….or your own. Maybe you saw their house went from seemingly normal to feeling somewhat odd or sometimes obsessive, depending on the collection. That’s how fast collections can get out of hand. Sometimes a collection was never the goal, but they happened anyway. Like the funny camel your brother gave you and then suddenly, you’re getting camels for every occasion and from everyone. Camels begin to take over your life until you don’t see the camels anymore. Al

The Feng Shui of Views that Can Change Your Life

Put your back into it. Keep your nose to the grindstone. These pithy sayings are meant to instill the value of consistent work effort. And, for the most part they're true, because consistent work pays off, but sometimes when you're busy looking down all the time, you lose sight of where you're going. Feng shui offers us an opportunity to lift our eyes and create movement in our lives instead of drudgery, or worse, the awful position of feeling stuck in a "Groundhog Day" kind of life. Too often we fall into the rut of day by day living to the point that we can't imagine anything different or anything better and our vision gets cut off. I'm frequently surprised at the shocked expressions I get when I ask people what they want and ask where they see their lives going or where they want their lives to go. They're stunned because they can't imagine anything different or anything more than that grindstone where their noses are pointed at every da

12 Feng Shui Tips for Trees

Trees are an important life source and vital members of our outdoor community. Often called “the lungs of the Earth,” trees take the carbon dioxide that we breathe out and return it to us as oxygen. They also prevent groundwater run-off and soil erosion. It is obvious that trees are a crucial part of our living Earth and treasured members of our landscape family. Besides being beautiful, they provide us with shade, beauty, and a wonderful place to climb or swing from. Fruit and nut trees give us good things to eat. On a less tangible level, trees also exert a powerful influence on the feng shui of our homes. For this reason, it is important to look at the trees surrounding your home. What else do trees have to offer us? Let’s take a look at the feng shui of trees. 1. Trees give excellent support. Planted at the rear of a house, trees provide important “Mountain support” at the rear of a property. Ideally, all homes and businesses are situated on a lot with a rise at the rear of the pro

6 Steps to Ridding Your Home of Negative Energy

Sometimes a house or office can feel uncomfortable, and there’s no real reason you can put your finger on to explain your uneasy feeling. Other times, it’s easy: someone has been there that was negative, ill or died. Homes and spaces often take on the energy of the previous occupants as well. There may be instances when you moved into a space and just felt like someone else was there, or the space just didn’t feel right – it’s because of lingering negative energy. If this sounds familiar, just remember you are not alone. Many people feel uncomfortable in spaces and can’t explain why. The “why” is not important, however; what is important is that you find a way to make your space feel more comfortable so you can feel more at ease. A first step would be to perform a space cleansing. Unlike “space clearing,” space cleansing doesn’t rely on getting rid of clutter. However, if you have a bunch of old items and junk from previous residents or others, it is possible that some of the energy is