
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Unique Feng Shui of a New Home

By Kathryn Weber Moving into a new house, whether it is truly new or just new to you, is exciting. You begin making plans for your life and see it unfolding in the rooms of your new house. But the feng shui of new houses is different than houses where someone has lived a long time. There are situations about the house that you’ll need to think about before you move in. Check the tips below for ideas on what you need to know about new house chi and feng shui. Get a feng shui consultation before buying and moving in. Many times people set up a consultation after moving into a new house. The ideal time to get a consultation is before moving or buying the house. This way, the consultant can advise you on potential problems. But, if you didn’t or couldn’t get a feng shui consultation, having one after you move in is still a good idea. Clear the house before moving in. Houses hold on to energies, memories and the vibrations of all those who lived in them. This makes a house clear