How Manners are a Mark of Good Feng Shui

"You can get through life with bad manners, but it's easier with good manners." Lillian Gish

It's said that all good manners begin at home. Learning the "magic words" of please and thank you as your parents instructed creates pleasant interactions with your loved ones, colleagues and friends.

It also makes a home more pleasant and life more enjoyable when your exchanges are marked by courtesy and respect. It also builds the positive energy inside your home.

Another sign of good feng shui is the effort taken to create a welcoming atmosphere in your home.

This kind of atmosphere is often seen in the homes throughout the Southern U.S. and is often associated with southern hospitality. They know that warmth and hospitality starts at the front door.

Creating a warm and inviting home encourages a pleasant atmosphere that is both convivial and relaxed and where the occupants enjoy being and is a refuge from the coarser world outside your front doors.

Having a gracious home and life is as simple as a choice and doesn't require a Beverly Hills or old southern mansion to create. Even the simplest home can be a welcoming one. Consider these ideas for creating a home and life that is marked by courtesy, respect and graciousness. It creates both conviviality and builds auspicious chi - the foundation of good feng shui - in the home and for everyone who lives there.

Start at the front door.

Ask any Realtor and they'll tell you a house that's for sale can make or break the sale with its exterior appearance and before anyone has stepped foot inside just by its street appeal.

To build your home's street appeal, start by keeping your home's appearance pleasant and the landscape trim and neat. Then build from there by painting the front door a contrasting color from the siding and adding some pretty potted flowers by the front door. This not only looks good - but it's a huge and vital chi-builder that can turn your life around, inviting opportunities and income, too.

Neatness counts.

Without a doubt, having your central living area neat and tidy all the time creates excellent chi and also means that if someone drops by unexpectedly, you can invite them in without worry that the house is a mess and unsuitable for visitors.

Reducing the anxiety you have about inviting guests in means you're more comfortable and relaxed in your home - another certified chi-builder. Take fifteen or twenty minutes a day to straighten and do some light cleaning. Just that few minutes keeps your home more enjoyable and promotes better feng shui.

Speak sweetly.

A home that is filled with yelling, negative comments or words like "shut up" and "no" or "don't" all the time creates a negative atmosphere -- and that only draws in more negativity. Using the magic words of please and thank you shouldn't just be reserved for strangers and friends. Insisting on pleasant and respectful interactions will create a home where courtesy lives, making your home a refuge of civility as well as a good example for children to model.

Dine wealthfully.

Fred Astaire was once quoted saying, "The hardest job kids face today is learning good manners without seeing any." In feng shui, the dining room represents acquired wealth and the act of dining is considered very auspicious - making table manners especially good feng shui. Like speaking courteously, using good table manners elevates everyone at the table and makes the meal more special. Using proper table settings even for a casual dinner creates a gracious home.

Be sure to insist on using manners at the table and teach children how to eat from good china and silver and which fork to use. Likewise, show them good manners by not putting elbows on a table and never, ever blowing your nose there which is seriously bad feng shui (not to mention disgusting). Learning how to behave and dine with grace will enable children to feel comfortable socially as they grow older and make your meals more enjoyable - and that's very good feng shui.

K Weber Communications LLC 2002-2011
Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook "The Cash Register at Your Front Door" visit and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!


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