My kids fighting with each other all the time

What can I do about my kids fighting with each other all the time?

If your children have bedrooms opposite each other, it's that opposition that can foster, well, their opposition. Try hanging a faceted crystal between the two rooms to press down the negativity and assert your motherly influence. If they share a room, adding a crystal between their two beds can also help. Kids need their own space. If they share a room, try creating their own space by hanging curtains or placing dividers that will make them feel like they have their own mini-room in the room they share.

Additionally, place a picture of the happy family together in each child's room or the room they share. This will reinforce your happy family and help to see they are part of the larger whole of the family and it's not just their way or the sibling's way. Lastly, inform them that while they don't have to like each other, they do need to be courteous to one another and pleasant and that this is the way you expect everyone to behave in your household.

Good luck to you!


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