Feng Shui Your Computer to Make You More Efficient and Effective at Work

Computers are a wonderful tool for helping us communicate with friends around the world, produce presentations and documents, balance our checkbooks and, in short, run our businesses and our lives.

There is no doubt that we are completely dependent upon computers today and rare are the homes without a personal computer. Few of us are able to work when our computers stop working because of bugs, viruses or a log-jam of files.

To make yourself more efficient at work and in your business, you should take steps to ensure that your computer is a lean, mean, computing machine.

When your computer isn't in top form, you don't think well, your mood is colored with frustration (and anger, sometimes) and you don't work as well when you feel this way. More importantly it takes you out of what I call "receive mode" -- that's the where energy flows to you bringing you opportunities, income, prestige and advancement.

These steps will help you clear the decks and keep your computer in top form all while making you more efficient, able to think more clearly, and opening you up to more opportunities -- and keeping you in receive mode.

1. Clean files for clear thinking.

When our computers are a mess, it's hard for us to be efficient or to think clearly. That's because when files are hard to find, we get frustrated and annoyed and this clouds our interactions and our daily mood. Organization equals efficiency - and the ability to think clearly. Clear out old, rarely used files and programs.

2. Cords create havoc.

Whenever we see clutter and mess, it brings our energy level down. One of the most unattractive aspects of computers are all the cords. Corral cords with zip-ties and Velcro wrappers. Pull stray cords to one side and anchor them to a small cup hook so that you don't accidentally pull them with your feet. Otherwise, you might constantly find yourself in "a tangle" with people and situations, too.

3. Create a beautiful view.

Because I like to focus on what I want, I place a beautiful waterfall image on my screensaver. Of course, water is wealth in feng shui. Use beautiful views of fish, waterfalls, fields, or streams to create a window where there is none. The screen of your computer should inspire you when you see it and give you a view you love.

4. Protection first.

In feng shui, the first priority should always be protective feng shui. This is especially true of your computer. When you work on the Internet, it's important that you use some kind of protection like Norton, McAfee, Kaspersky or Eset (my fave) or other form of firewall to protect you from people who might try to take your sensitive information. This also will help maintain your computer's speed - and that helps you to be more efficient too.

5. Old, outdated files hold you back.

Do you have old projects or old files that you still need but not every day? Get an external hard drive. Think of these as a "mini-storage room" for your computer. You can get a huge external hard drive that allows you to dump huge files (like photos and music) on there and get the old files that you rarely use OFF your machine. When your machine moves fast, so do you. Plus, by clearing out the old stuff, such as old client and business files, you create room for NEW clients and business to come to you.

6. Clean screens help you see clearly.

When your computer screen is full of dirty, greasy fingerprints, you can't think clearly or "see" what you need to do at work. Make it a point to avoid touching your computer screen and clean it regularly .

7. Additional storage adds speed.

If your computer is slow and simple commands drag, think about adding an external storage device where you can store large audio, sound, and photo files. This will help your computer's ability to work more efficiently and use its memory for processing rather than eating up precious computing ability because its memory is being taxed by large file storage.

K Weber Communications LLC 2002-2011
Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook "The Cash Register at Your Front Door" visit 
www.redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!


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