How can I be more efficient at work

How can I be more efficient at work? It seems like my desk is always a mess.

Keeping your desk clean and clear helps you be more effective at work. Try to work with your natural rhythms, though, by clearing off your desk once a day. Either start your day by cleaning your desk and getting yourself ready to work or by ending your day cleaning off your desk so you'll be ready to go in the morning. What I find is that routine, such as always handling bills and desk clutter a certain way every day, is what helps you keep your desk neat and orderly.

Can I activate my desk with feng shui?

Yes! I've often written about using feng shui to activate your desk for more prosperity and recognition. One of the things I've talked about is having a desk lamp and putting the things that are meaningful to you under the lamp. This will activate your items -- such as dragons, crystals (for wishes or clear thinking), or horses (for recognition) and keep your focus on these items. I really like these items to be activated on the left side of your desk (as you sit on it). This is the receiving side of your desk. You can also put your visions boards there so that you see them often.

Another good idea? Have a red folder for new clients or to hold your resume. If you're a coach or a consultant, keep empty folders at the ready for new clients or projects. I had lunch with a friend yesterday who had an incredible interview with a well known company after putting her resume in a red folder. In fact, today I've put together a combo pack of some of my favorite desk-sized activators that might be helpful for you to activate your desk.

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K Weber Communications LLC 2002-2011
Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook "The Cash Register at Your Front Door" visit and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!


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