The Right Shade of Pink Adds Sparkle and Warmth

Pink isn't just for little girls anymore. The right shade of this splashy hue can add punch, excitement and vibrancy. At the same time, pink can be a calming color because it's on the light side of red and doesn't have all that red intensity. And lest you think pink is past its prime fashion-wise, think again. Today's pink is a hot color made fresh with a hint of cherry.

If you've shied away from pink in the past, it might be just the color to wake up your décor from the winter doldrums.

In winter, it's easy to slip into decorating hibernation waiting for spring to infuse your home with new life, but there's no need to wait with the jazzy new shades of pink available today. And you don't have to make a major décor change; with such a vibrant hue, you only need a few touches to make a big impact.

In the living room, a comfy pink throw and some throw pillows pump up the vibe in a snap. If you've some time to spare, try a coat of pink paint on a single piece of furniture; it will give the whole room a shot of energy.

In the bedroom, pink curtains can warm things up and make the space feel deliciously romantic. Throw some soft pink sheets on the bed. A tufted cherry pink chair could be the spark that brings your bedroom to life and makes the bedroom feel brighter and lighter. If a sexy look is what you're after, try metallic pink; this hue gives pale pink a shot of glitter than oozes sophistication.

Try wrapping art frames with pink patterned fabric, or add a set of pink dishes to coordinate with your current china for a burst of freshness on the table. If you're really daring, pull out a paint brush and replace your dining or breakfast room chairs with a new set splashed in pink, reminiscent of a soda fountain. The effect will be delightfully retro.

Don't forget the impact pink has mixed with other colors. It's smashing with brown, green, purple, red, yellow, even black. Pink has a way of letting other colors shine, yet standing out in contrast. If the colors tussle, balance them out with an earth beige or warm vanilla.

Pink has grown up and can warm up your décor long before the snow melts.


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