Dragon: What's Your Luck in 2012?

The Dragon is a mighty mythical creature that symbolizes yang energy. Full of strength and as a symbol of emperors, the dragon is welcome anywhere he or she goes. Sometimes you act on your instincts so quickly and powerfully, you intimidate others. But once you learn to temper that strength, your creative side emerges and you're a force to be reckoned with. You are a loyal, devoted and true friend with a magnetism and charisma others only dream about.

Don't like doing your taxes and hate filing receipts? Welcome to the club. This year, it's easy to disregard those details more than ever. You'll be tempted. But don't. If you just hate it that much, hire a bookkeeper or someone who actually enjoys doing that. It will free you up to make even more money and never have to worry about those pesky bills. It's time to get serious about retirement planning. You've said you were going to do it for years. Well, this is the year to do it.

You would make an excellent hedge fund manager with all your drive and ambition. Plus, money comes naturally to you. You love it and don't tie all that emotion into it. Instead, you see it as the energy it is and it's the kind of energy you want. The worst feeling for you on the job is when you feel tied down and unrecognized.

As the ultimate yang symbol of the zodiac, you're the trailblazer and ever active. But this year, don't think you can go out a Sunday ride on your motorcycle and not put yourself at risk of injury. Whatever sports or other activities you do - even the mundane ones - make sure you err on the side of safety.

You're willingness to jump in when others are afraid is an admirable trait. Just make sure this year that you do something to protect your valuable energy. In your year, why not take time to set your plans in place? Where would you like to be in your life when the next dragon year rolls around in 2023? Now that you're are "sign of the hour", it's your time get out there and do your thing at work. Polish up the resume, spiff up your wardrobe and strut your stuff.

This is just a preview of the horoscope for dragons in 2012. Learn more about dragons and YOUR zodiac sign in my 2012 Feng Shui Forecast, Year of the Dragon. You get full coverage of each sign and the health, wealth, career and love outlooks all in one book -- plus a full rundown of all house facing directions, what to expect in the world, where to invest, 12 months of flying star and new moons, and everything you need to know about afflictions.


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