How An Overstuffed Home Robs You of Vitality

Today, many of us share one common problem: too much stuff in our homes. And, if you're willing to invest just a couple of weeks - or weekends -- you can get a grip on clutter and start feeling more in control over all the stuff in your house. Better still, you won't have to live in a disorganized, cluttered home that frustrates and annoys you.

Having an uncluttered, organized home will repay you in time and money -- and will return your peace of mind -- and in just a few short weeks. Besides being a serious re-charge to your life and vitality, decluttering is good feng shui.

Everything you are surrounded by exerts an influence on your life.

If you're surrounded by clutter and disorganization, it's a serious energetic drain on your mind, your emotions and your physical body. Too much stuff quickly turns a home "yin" and that makes energy turn negative.

Once that happens, the circumstances of life start changing, too. You could say that clutter becomes the sticks and mortar that dam your life and stop the opportunities that flow to you.

Let's get started with the basics.

What is clutter?

Clutter is anything that you don't regularly use, things that you don't like or enjoy or that are broken, or items kept out of guilt and obligation. Clutter includes items like old clothing, unused toys, mismatched dishes, or stacks of magazines. One of the worst sources of clutter is paper. Newspapers, mail, magazines, old greeting cards, and various paper items all clutter up our coffee tables, desks, and refrigerator.

What clutter isn't

Clutter isn't anything you truly love or use regularly. Clutter also isn't a valuable collectible. Some things shouldn't go in a landfill or in a garage sale. Your grandmother's Fostoria crystal isn't junk and shouldn't be treated that way.

Ebay, local antiques or consignment stores are resources to help sell your collectible items. One woman made $15,000 off her clutter. Every week, she sat at her computer with five to 10 items she wanted to sell and in six months, she had made an extra $15,000 by selling her clutter on Ebay. Too much trouble to sell? Give special items away as gifts to someone who'll appreciate them.

Clutter sources

There are a number of sources for our over-accumulation. One is that we've moved from a disposable society to everything's-a-collectible society and if everything is valuable, then you can't throw anything away then, can you? We've also moved from a buy-it-as-you-need-it outlook to a buy-it-in-bulk mindset - and if we buy in bulk



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