Year of the horse

Year of the horse By Kathryn Weber

The Year of the Horse is galloping quickly toward the New Year and it'll be nice to see the Year of the Snake slithering away. You'll be glad to know that the feng shui forecast for 2014 has a bright outlook with lots of good news and opportunity ahead for the Year of the Horse.

The horse is the seventh sign of the Chinese Zodiac, and represents high spirits, optimism, energy and beauty.

The horse also represents capriciousness in love, falling out of love as quickly as he falls in. But there is no question that the horse sees himself as a good looking, magnetic animal that's clever and who should gather all the admiring glances.

Last year was hard, so wave it goodbye. This year, 2014 has a lot to look forward to.

In 2013, we had a variety of energies that were working against all of us. Some years, some houses catch a break and others catch the brunt of difficult energies. Not in 2013. This past year, the difficulty was spread around so everyone had to contend with it.

That's both good and bad news. The bad news is that there are some this year who will still have to handle difficult energies (Northwest facing houses and bedrooms, for example).

But the good news is that this year we all catch a break as the Five Yellow moves out and the 4 Romance Star move in!

Of course there will still be difficulties. But if you're prepared and put your remedies and enhancements in place, you'll do great.

Let's talk about what you can expect in 2014...

In 2014, we have some bright shining beacons of light.

In general, there are three major corners or sectors of our home that we must watch out for carefully in feng shui all the time: the center (heart/spine/health/relationships/money), the southwest (the woman of the house/marriage/partnerships/love), and the northwest (the man of the house/breadwinner/networking/benefactors and helpful people).

Of these three sectors, we have TWO sectors with wonderful energies: the southwest and the center (the most important of all).

Let's talk about the sector with the difficulty...

The northwest sector, mentioned earlier, hosts the 5 Yellow in 2014.

This star causes all kinds of problems -- financial, relationship, health (severe illness or accident). It's vital that you control it.

The silver lining to this particular dark cloud is that the 5 Yellow heads to a sector of big metal, which helps drain its power. But don't be lulled into a false sense of security. It's important you handle this energy. My annual Feng Shui Forecast explains all about what to do if this is your home's facing direction, the sector where you sleep or have a home office.

Water is EXTRA special in the Year of the Horse

The White 1 Star and the 4 Romance Star move into the southwest and center sectors, respectively. The White 1 will bring wonderful opportunities to women in prestige, money, business and career opportunity and is a boon to anyone with a southwest facing house or bedroom. But you have to activate this star. It's vital that you place water to activate it (unless it's in your bedroom).

In the center, the beautiful 4 Romance and Education Luck star moves in to sprinkle rose petals and sparkly pink pixie dust everywhere.

This star is a multitasking workhorse! How appropriate is that in the Year of the Horse?

The four star brings benefits ranging from education luck, exam luck, luck for writers and anyone who speaks for a living, like PR or sales, announcers and actors.

One word of warning, though, about the four star and it's that the four star can create opportunities for intruders into romantic relationships. If you have faith and trust in your relationship, go on and add water (I am!).

If you want to stimulate this star this year because you're a writer or you want your children to take a leap forward scholastically, then add water here. But be warned that if you worry about infidelity, the water could bring interlopers into your relationship.

Security and Safety -- Always Important

The northeast hosts the Red 7 Violent star. Because this sector relates to education and the 7 relates to injury by metal, this is a particularly worrisome combination. In other words, there is a risk of more violence like Sandy Hook Elementary where 20 children and 6 adults died. It may not be that drastic. The 7 also relates to computers. Cyberbullying and bullying in social media could also be a real problem for children in the Year of the Horse. Add blue colors here to pacify the Red 7.

There are also a variety of other ways this could affect you or your family -- particularly if you suffer from arthritis. I've outlined all the possibilities in my annual forecast. If you have children in bedrooms in this sector, please do protect them with blue colors.

Now, there are a couple of other family matters to attend to.

The 2 Black Illness star heads to the east, the sector of the oldest son and family relationships. The 3 Jade Argument star moves into the southeast, the sector of the oldest daughter and the wealth sector. Now by wealth, I mean accumulated assets -- not income like from salary or your regular job. This is what you have accrued.

In the east, the 2 flying into the east can create arguments and tension. It can also cause nagging illness in the family or nagging problems -- like toenail fungus (important to know if you get regular pedicures). You're not likely going to die from toenail fungus, but it's just an annoyance to deal with. That's what the Black 2 star does -- annoys you.

When the three star moves to the wealth sector there's a couple of ways this can create issues.

The first is simply arguments about money, especially bonuses, commissions, investments or inheritances. Read all fine print with regard to savings and investments. It might not be the year to buy a timeshare. It could also lead to depression or anger (often depression turned inside out) in your oldest daughter. If you have a teenage daughter, you've been warned. ;)

Other warnings

Although the 4 Romance star seems sweet there's another side to it. The four star relates to wind. If you live on the coast, you know big winds in the form of hurricanes and while these could happen this year, it's more likely there are severe concerns for tornadoes in the center sector of the US, also known as "Tornado Alley."

If you live anywhere that tornadoes are common -- and even uncommon like Central Texas, but not completely impossible -- you need to be prepared. Make sure you have a closet with blankets or some place where you and your family can get to safety. This is critical this year.

In November 2013, typhoon Haiyan slammed into the Philippines giving us a taste of the four star's power. Don't take chances with hurricanes, typhoons and tornadoes this year no matter where you live. High winds and storms are likely to be more violent and more destructive.

Now, on the bright side...

The south and southwest facing houses and bedrooms all have fabulous MONEY luck.

You will want to be sure you tap that energy for the year. If you have a bedroom here, you'll reap the benefits too. West facing houses have windfall luck -- meaning that opportunity to rise in promotion or surprise windfalls of money are on the horizon.

Still more good news? Careers.

The 9 Multiplying Luck and Future Prosperity star moves into the career and income generating sector suggesting what you do this year can set up to pay off for years to come. So be thinking about that business endeavor that's been kicking around in your head.

If you'd like to finally (finally!) get ahead, this year offers so much promise. The year has a lot to offer in the way of hope, optimism and sheer joy. That's the beauty of the horse and the four star. 2014 will lift your spirits and it's got a lot to offer financially, too.


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