Lost good-paying job


I live at the entrance to my subdivision. My life is in a shambles, we have no money, my husband lost his good-paying job and he has been very sick. Help me fix my life!


You truly have a tough row to hoe. This is one of the most serious poison arrow energies you can have. Your subdivision is like a lot of neighborhoods that have a T-intersection at the entrance. They typically have only one way into the neighborhood and one way out.

That means that all day and night, you have people driving straight into your house and then turn either left or right to go to their homes. Even though the cars are aimed more at your driveway and garage than your door, this is still an issue. Because the fact is, every house in the neighborhood that has a car drives in and their cars are aimed directly at your house.

This is one of those neighborhood planning issues that I would love to take up with a residential developer. These houses are always up for sale. The turnover is constant because they're under barrage. You need to try to deflect that energy away because, as you've seen, the energy is constant and unrelenting -- and it's costing your personal, health and financial security. You can add a windchime at the garage door to help lift the energy away that's being aimed at your house. I wouldn't suggest a mirror because it might blind someone at night who's driving in.

If there's room, you can also plant a hedge. Water is also a way to deflect this energy. If there's space, a pond will help to absorb the energy. Try these suggestions and see if they don't help. If not, moving might be an option to help you escape the attack you're under night and day.


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