Feng Shui - How to Activate Water for Wealth by Building Your Own Water Urn

Water is one of the most important elements in life – and in feng shui. The presence of water is life-giving and in feng shui, it promotes wealth, prosperity and opportunity.

We could not live without water, yet so many homes rarely have water anywhere on the property. Even a small fountain can create a feeling of calm assurance and promote wealth luck and financial advantage for the homeowner.

Water is used many ways in feng shui.

It can be used as a remedy, such as for the Red 7 star. Yang water drains the violent and dangerous qualities of the 7 star. But water can also activate luck – especially when placed in the north, east and southeast sectors.

In the north, water helps stimulate career luck and brings opportunities to rise up the corporate ladder. In the southeast, water brings about good fortune that helps wealth accumulate. In the east, it brings growth and good health plus happy family relationships.

But creating a water feature that’s helpful for prosperity is often overlooked in home decorating and in feng shui.

Even when water features are added, many have dirty water or, worse, disappearing water. These new fountains symbolize disappearing wealth! There is a saying that like attracts like. And it’s true.

Our ancestors knew how water draws water.

Years ago when we used hand pumps to draw water, it often became impossible to draw water up a dry pump until water was poured down the pump. Miraculously, water would often begin flowing again once water was poured down the dry pump.

This perfectly illustrates the example of how simply having water can attract more water energy in the form of increased wealth and greater income opportunities.

Perhaps one of the best qualities about water is that it brings about auspicious chi that invigorates all the residents of the home, in addition to helping build wealth and opportunity.

Having water is always a benefit to everyone in the house. Currently, it’s especially auspicious to have water in the southwest as it will benefit for the woman of the house. If you can add a pond, a waterfall or water feature, you will attract much good fortune to your home.

But if that’s not possible, there are many ways to create perfectly wonderful and beneficial water features.

Here’s how you can build your own wealth-stimulating water urn

For photos, please visit this link

1. Use a sealed ceramic urn, pot or bowl for your water urn, like the one shown below. I saw these throughout Asia and they’re wonderful for creating a fountain easily. Make sure your urn is sealed completely. It’s much easier than trying to waterproof a pot with a hole in the bottom because they often leak — and that means losing money.

2. Next, place your water pump inside the urn. A small pump is all it takes to having water circulating and boosting your home’s wealth chi. You can use a simple pump from an inexpensive table top fountain or buy one from your local hardware or home store.

3. Decorate your urn with flowers and plants or a dragon for extra wealth benefits. This adds wonderful chi to your entire home!

4. Step back and enjoy your beautiful new urn that will promote prosperity chi and attract wealth luck to your home!



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